Case Study


Increasing app downloads and in-app purchases through CPI Campaigns


Revenue Growth from 2022-2023

App Installs in 2023


Purchase Rate Compared to 6% Benchmark KPI


Revenue Growth from 2022-2023

App Installs in 2023


Purchase Rate Compared to 6% Benchmark KPI



Amazon Shopping sought to expand its user base and drive higher revenue by increasing the number of app downloads. They partnered with Yep Ads to implement a CPI campaign targeting potential users and encouraging them to install the Amazon Shopping app. The primary goal was to boost the number of app installs and ensure a high rate of in-app purchases to returning customers.



The campaign employed targeted advertising to pinpoint users with a high likelihood of app installation and in-app purchases. Creative campaigns featured captivating ad content, showcasing the exclusive deals and user-friendly shopping experiences on the Amazon Shopping App. Optimization continuously fine-tuned ad placements and bidding strategies. Tracking mechanisms monitored app installs and user purchases, ensuring alignment with Amazon's performance benchmarks.


The e-commerce landscape is fiercely competitive, with a myriad of apps contending for consumer attention, leading to significant market saturation. Amidst this crowded space, our challenge lies in not just attracting users but converting app installs into active, engaged users who make meaningful purchases.


A remarkable increase of 98.84% in revenue from 2022-2023, reflecting the success of its CPI campaign in attracting engaged users who made recurring purchases. The strategic targeting and compelling ad creatives were instrumental in capturing user interest, resulting in 650,000 app installs. Notably, the purchase rate exceeded expectations at 8.8%, showcasing Yep Ads' effective targeting and optimization strategies.


Yep Ads excelled in targeting efficiency, ensuring ads reached the most promising users, optimizing return on ad spend. The high-quality ad creatives and placements captured user interest, driving impressive install and conversion rates. Continuous optimization strategies enabled real-time adjustments, maintaining peak performance amidst evolving market dynamics.