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Discover our proven methods for delivering tangible outcomes that drive higher ROI.

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YepCast EP.5 – Online Events and Networking during a Pandemic

[buzzsprout episode=’6574993′ player=’true’] In our fifth episode, together with Akram Hamam (better known as Akie) the founder of ABC, Affiliate Business Club,…

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Yep Ads Integrates Pixel Tracking for Facebook and Google

As affiliate marketers, you know that campaign tracking is the best way to monitor, manage and maximize campaign performance. That is why…

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How to grow your business during Black Friday & Cyber Monday

2020 despite being turbulent is going to be a record-setter in e-commerce and online sales in general, as more and more people…

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The Tools of Titans. Essential instruments for the successful affiliate

In any line of work, you will always rely on your tools. This can be applied to anyone from a  run-of-the-mill blacksmith…

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YepCast Ep.3 Affiliate marketing in the CIS market.

[buzzsprout episode=’5671444′ player=’true’] For the third YepCast episode, we have invited Roman Seet from Affpeople to talk about affiliate marketing in the…

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Split Testing – is it worth it?

Testing is probably one of the most important things there is in affiliate marketing. And the number of things that require testing…

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How to Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business During Difficult Times

The Covid-19 outbreak has been shaking global economies for over four months. Some industries have been hit disproportionately hard by the shutdown, but there’s no business or niche that has been spared from the devastating impact of the pandemic.

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YepCast EP.2 – 5 years of greatness

The second episode of YepCast is here and it’s already an anniversary! As the company is approaching its 5-year milestone, we’ve talked with Yep Ads CEO, Jeroen Rozemeijer, and Yep Ads COO, Nelson Cheung, and discussed their experiences and thoughts on what it takes to build a truly diverse company that has endured in the everchanging affiliate marketing industry and still strives towards greatness every single day.

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Affiliate Marketing Landscape 5 Years in the Past and 5 Years in the Future

The Yep Ads team is proud to announce that we are celebrating our fifth anniversary this month. This is why in this blog post we are taking a look at the past, where we started, and also having a glimpse into the future.

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Increasing app downloads and in-app purchases through CPI Campaigns

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