Running Nutra Offers in 2021
Among the various verticals in affiliate marketing, one always stands out. Be it for new affiliates or pros with years of experience under their belts — nutra offers. The vertical seems to be hundreds of years old, as people always looked for ways of solving their problems with the least effort possible. And Nutra was always there. As were marketers ready to promote and sell the products.
So let’s take a look at the vertical that prospers despite all the naysayers.
Eternal Beauty Always Sells
As pretty much every product has to evolve to stay relevant, Nutra is no exception.
Of course, there are offers that show consistent performance throughout the years, but a good marketer is always on the lookout for the products that can show the highest profit margin possible and, usually they are the new ones. In 2021, after a year of staying home, people are eager to get back out here and look better than ever.
In the remainder of 2021, the hottest sub-verticals of Nutra are going to be weight loss, skincare and a plethora of offers aimed at making people look and feel better.
Keto, hair loss and the CBD verticals are already showing good results, and it’s up to you to make the most of your traffic now with high payouts and highly desirable offers!
By the way, which traffic source to go with?
Traffic Sources for Running Nutra in 2021
With the variety of available traffic sources in 2021, a few remain the preferred choice for advertisers and affiliates.
Facebook is one that can give you the best audience and hit the target. However, you have to be very careful with creatives and be vague enough for the people to see the message, as the network is strongly against the before and after approach that tends to give the best results.
Follow the rules, go with the wide audience, and aim at females 27+ y.o.
Native ads may seem like an outdated format, but for those of you experienced with it, this is a plentiful source of traffic that is far less regulated but lacks Facebook’s precision.
For running Native, you would need to get familiar with the network’s rules, terms, rely heavily on the testing approach and good prelanders.
If you are more interested in being creative rather than organized and meticulous, then TikTok can become a method of choice, but you have to understand one thing very clear — the only way towards profit is your creativity and unique (we mean unique) content.
For those of you adept at SEO, creating a new site and/or online store with your products can be a goldmine. However, this approach takes much more time and requires a lot of patience, as SEO brings the highest-quality traffic but only in time.
Nutra Funnels 101
Okay, now you are more or less certain about choosing a traffic source, so let’s go through the basics of building a good funnel that can give you a good conversion rate.
First: use prelanders. They are a total must. No matter how good, provocative or persuasive your initial creative is, you still have to use them, as they elaborate and expand on the advantages of the product.
It can be an interview with the doctor, a model sharing her secret, or maybe a news article that tells a great story, in the center of which will be your offer.
Bear in mind 2 things:
- One — ALWAYS check for the restricted approaches, ask your manager.
- Second — host your prelanders close to the geo of choice, as every second of ping counts.
Make sure that creative, prelander and lander don’t contradict each other in any way.
Final thoughts
Nutra is an evergreen vertical and just like the temperature rises in July so does the conversion rate for beauty Nutra products, and you can grab a slice of the profit pie.
Nutra is the vertical that steadily provides affiliates with high-profit thanks to payouts that are on par with gambling, and beaten only by crypto. And with the vast accumulated expertise and experience of our affiliate managers, you can always rely on the educated advice that will yield great results. They will provide you with the best seasonal offers (diet, skin, brain, blood, hair & CBD) that are going to show great performance in the upcoming months for various Top Geos.
Yep Ads Team