
Discover our proven methods for delivering tangible outcomes that drive higher ROI.


Discover our proven methods for delivering tangible outcomes that drive higher ROI.

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Email traffic for affiliates: get in touch and keep them engaged

Email marketing is one of the traditional promotion channels that involves targeted bulk messaging. This channel is mostly used as an addition…

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Native ads for your advertising strategy

Is there an ad format that excels at promoting a product but does not irritate the audience? Yes, and this is native…

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Thoughts on Affiliate World Global

Affiliate World Global conferences have long become the biggest international events in the affiliate marketing industry. Sheer numbers are baffling — this…

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Betting vertical: we bet you’re gonna love it

Betting or sports betting often comes hand in hand with gambling as an evergreen and high-yielding vertical. Indeed, it’s difficult to find…

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Promoting affiliate campaigns with influencers

Influencer marketing has been on the rise for the past few years, as new platforms and ad formats like the short videos…

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YepCast EP.13 – Looking Back and Thinking Ahead

[buzzsprout episode=’9738967′ player=’true’] For this episode of YepCast, we invited as our guests the Yep Ads CEO, Jeroen Rozemeijer, and the Yep…

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Affiliate Marketing trends in 2021 and your guide to 2022

It is time for our traditional recap of the hottest traffic sources and affiliate verticals for 2021 that is steadily drawing to…

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Clinical trial vertical overview

Affiliate marketing covers all sorts of industries, and everybody can find a vertical to their liking. One of the socially important ones…

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Optimize your campaigns for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Unwrapping Black Friday and Cyber Monday Autumn opens the biggest shopping season of the year, with Black Friday (26th of November) and…

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Increasing app downloads and in-app purchases through CPI Campaigns

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