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Discover our proven methods for delivering tangible outcomes that drive higher ROI.

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YepCast EP.12 – Yep Ads Network and the Affiliate Business

[buzzsprout episode=’9291916′ player=’true’] In this 12th episode of YepCast our guest is Benjamin Wong, the Director of Business Development at Yep Ads….

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Insurance vertical: reassure your audience

What can be better than a promise of safety, right? Reassurance is exactly what most of us need in troubled times like…

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E-commerce: a bargain of a vertical

E-commerce is one of the so-called evergreen affiliate verticals. It covers promoting tangible goods via the Internet. E-commerce means convenience for the…

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YepCast EP.11 – Halfway through 2021: what we accomplished and what is next

[buzzsprout episode=’8984265′ player=’true’] For this episode of YepCast, we invited as our guests the Yep Ads CEO, Jeroen Rozemeijer, and the Yep…

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Money management for affiliates: manage or perish

Profit in your tracker is not the profit in your pocket © Wise affiliate Remember that uneasy feeling when all of your…

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YepCast EP.10 – Pop traffic Tips & Tricks – Interview with Andrey Blosh

[buzzsprout episode=’8869048′ player=’true’] In our tenth episode of YepCast, together with Andrey Blosh, we dive into the Pop traffic world and its…

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Running Nutra Offers in 2021

Among the various verticals in affiliate marketing, one always stands out. Be it for new affiliates or pros with years of experience…

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The casino always wins, so can you

After the pandemic subsided the new and seemingly undisputed vertical has arisen from the ashes of the traditional consumer behaviour patterns on…

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Sweepstakes – Harvesting the Evergreen Vertical

Sweepstakes — one of the so-called evergreen verticals in affiliate marketing, as almost every affiliate worked with it once or twice before…

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Increasing app downloads and in-app purchases through CPI Campaigns

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